Hi there!
I just decided I will linked here more often some articles I read on the web. And as I was trying to illustrate this article with a picture, I scrolled through old pictures that my friend Ana made and I really like this one! You can also find the interview I did awhile ago with Ana on California Week end.
You can click through the links to see what I've been reading:
- Emily Henderson gives her secrets on how to give character on any house with unfinished and raw wood.
- Very precious informations on floor finishes as I want to refinish mine! and also on how to style large scale art.
-Thanks for the shoot out Rue Mag! And lovely to see our pillow on this bed!
- I need to watch some of these movies myself. Nice selection on friendly black history movies. Also did you watch the Oscars? Here is a recap.
- Why small goals are the secret on being a successful creative.
- A Spanish studio home space and Emma Leth Home in Copenhagen
- This reminds me that I should so to the flower market more often!
- A little game to do with your friends.